About us

The Tale of Actors Consulting

Actors Consulting was established in 2018 to offer consulting services focused on aiding clients in their transformation to digital business; the fourth industrial revolution. Since then infused with smart automation, and AI which in itself has been a revolution - in the sense of being a technological advance that results in an exponential increase of production in a historically short term.

Actors Consulting is focused on delivering expertise from our fullstack development, smart automation, enterprise architecture, business process management, data management, cybersecurity and integration architecture, all of which makes the foundation of a modern digital platform, and continuously expanding.

Our mission is digital business guidance, helping our customers find their way in what has rapidly become a jungle of offerings. With a practical approach focused on short-term actions and the utilization of next-generation tools for smart automation, we aim to bring our customers actual business value along the roadmap towards a next level of mass production.

The company name “Actors” refers to the actor model, which is a conceptual take on the future of distributed architecture, that some say will bring about the advance beyond object-oriented programming. We join the foresighted Steven Lisberger in the vision of a digital frontier to reshape the human condition.

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